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Come and see


What are you looking for?

the two disciples:

Rabbi, where are you staying?


There is the Lamb of God

Jesus:Come and see

Purple Abstract
two person catholic and a non catholic conversating about people who were converting into

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process for those seeking to become Catholic. It's a journey of faith that prepares you for baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist.

So, it's like a spiritual boot camp?

Not exactly. It's more like a guided exploration of the Catholic faith. You'll learn about beliefs, traditions, and connect with others.

That sounds interesting. What are the stages?

There are three stages: inquiry, catechumenate, and election. You'll learn, deepen your understanding, and prepare for sacraments.

Sounds like a commitment.

It is, but it's rewarding. Becoming Catholic can bring you closer to God and others

Purple Bubbles
two people having conversation, a non catholic and a catholic, they are infront of the chu