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Archdiocesan Catechetical Centre
Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations... and teach them all that I have commanded you (Matt 28:19-20)

The KL Archdiocesan Catechetical Ministry (KLACM) seeks to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ by promoting the work of catechesis in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur through coordination, formation and accompaniment of catechists and catechetical coordinators at all levels and parishes.

Our Chief Catechist

Most Rev. Julian Leow Beng Kim, DD
Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur
"Integrity and Tenderness"

Our Ecclesiastical Assistant

Rev. Fr. David Arulanatham

Our Sub-Ministries
There are five sub-ministries under the KL Archdiocesan Catechetical Ministry:

What's New...
Updates Every 2 Weeks!

By Dr Steven Selvaraju, STD, STL
Come take a look at our new blog on all things catechetical!
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